266HSH : smartness beyond performances.
- Base accuracy : from ±0.06%
- Span limits : 16 to 105000KPa ; 64 inH20 to 15228psi
- Multiple protocol availability – provides integration with Modbus®, HART®, PROFIBUS PA,
FOUNDATION Fieldbus and WirelessHART platforms offering interchangeability and transmitter
upgrade capabilities
- Full compliance with PED Category III
266HSH 原廠資訊連結
266HSH : smartness beyond performances.
- Base accuracy : from ±0.06%
- Span limits : 16 to 105000KPa ; 64 inH20 to 15228psi
- Multiple protocol availability – provides integration with Modbus®, HART®, PROFIBUS PA,
FOUNDATION Fieldbus and WirelessHART platforms offering interchangeability and transmitter
upgrade capabilities
- Full compliance with PED Category III
266HSH 原廠資訊連結